Tuesday, November 12, 2013

Boozy Tuesd'y (The First)

Do you have an excess of candy corn left over from Halloween? I don't. I love that stuff!

When the big bags of Brach's first came out for fall, I rushed out and bought a bag. Within a few days, I ran across this recipe for a candy corn martini. I also happened to have a bit of vodka left over that was taking me for….ever…. to finish. So of course I mixed the two! The infused vodka basically boils down to 2 parts vodka to 1 part candy corn. Then the hard part: leaving it alone while the candy dissolves.

It was amazing! Just sweet enough, smooth, and made a fantastic afternoon/evening cocktail with a splash of coconut rum and topped off with ginger ale. You can use any clear soda you prefer, but I love the extra bit of flavor that the ginger adds to everything.
And just look how pretty it is! I'm actually feeling a bit envious of myself right now, because I took this picture a couple months ago, when it was warm enough to sit out on the balcony. It was only 17 degrees here this morning!

Next Tuesday, I'll share my favorite vodka-infusion recipe ever with you.

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