Sunday, November 10, 2013

I'm Back!

If you found this blog by searching for it by name, you may have run across this: I started that blog back in 2009, when I was a single college student with no job and very little money. Sadly, I forgot about the blog when my homework started piling up, and I no longer have access to it.

Now I'm in my last semester before graduation (huzzah!) and I'm married. I'm still trying to spend a reasonable amount of money on food, but now I also have to cater to my husband's tastes somewhat. Trying to make food he likes, that is both healthy and affordable, can be a challenge. He also hates leftovers, so I sometimes end up with… interesting… ways of incorporating leftovers into new meals.

I'll bring you one of those interesting meals soon, but for today, I'll leave you with this amazing banana bread that I'll be making this afternoon. We don't care for coconut much here, so we just leave it out entirely. This banana bread is amazing even without the topping, but if you're a fan of lime, definitely try it out. I can't begin to explain it, but with this bread, lime-flavored caramel is surprisingly good.

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